Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas Serenade

Blake just started dancing and singing this song the other night at dinner, and Addie tried joining in too with her own special dance moves.

In case you can't make out some of the lyrics:

I'm a very fat Christmas Tree
Here your branches to decorate me
First you put the star on top
Make sure the ornaments don't drop


In case you ever wondered what B & O Railroad stood for (besides hearing it from Monopoly), it is short for Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. So right here we are lucky enough to have the oldest surviving train station plus the original 1 mile of train tracks.

Trainmaster Blake

 Dark, but a fun shot of mommy & her babies riding the first 1 mile of train track!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Birthday To Our Little Ones

As it happens every year, Thanksgiving also means a week a week of birthdays here in our house. 
This year our little man turned 4 and our little princess turned 2!

Blake was our first born little man. He lit up our world instantly and we were immediately in love. Watching him grow into a little boy has been so much fun. He is such a cuddlebug who loves to read, play sports and be crazy. We love him with all our hearts. 
Adelyn is our adorable baby girl, with attitude of course! She has been our little angel since day one. Having a little girl has been so exciting. Her cute, feminine moves and gestures just crack us up, especially the way she plays with her hair. The way she adores her big brother just melts your heart. We just love everything about her!

A glimpse at when our little ones first popped out.
Fast forward two years and here are our little ones now.

We all enjoyed a combination birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's with family and friends.

Blowing out the candles together on what was supposed to be a pirate cake!
Beautiful Birthday girl Addie playing on the jungle gym
Our birthday boy and a very pregnant looking mommy
Some of our group helping us celebrate
Addie the rockin' firefighter
My new rocket ship!

Happy Thanksgiving

We had lots of family come into town to help us celebrate Thanksgiving. We visited the most perfect little town of Annapolis one day with everyone and got some good shots. Unfortunately, we weren't good about taking too many pictures otherwise, but here are a few fun ones.  I am a little biased to my new adorable niece, so there are more of her than anyone else!

Blake is madly in love with his new cousin
Two beauties-Amelie and her mommy
Still so in love after being together for almost 19 years-YIKES!
Our family climbing a statue at the Naval Academy
Adorable Amelie all bundled for our walk
Monie and Addie
Grammie and Amelie
Also, Blake's school put on a Thanksgiving program, which just about made me cry because it was so precious. I had a huge smile on my face from the second he entered the auditorium to when he left. He sung every song and did every hand gesture to go with the words. It just made my heart melt. I forgot my camera, so here is one from my phone to give you an idea of our little performer in action.

Pure concentration watching the teacher for the next move
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and gave thanks to the many blessings we each have.