Sunday, February 19, 2012

Disney on Ice

As a fun treat for our family of four, before we become a family of five...we treated the little ones to a Disney on Ice show. It was so much fun and to see the "awe" in their faces the whole time, just priceless.

Addie wore a Snow White dress to the show. I think the best part was afterward in the car when I asked her what her favorite part was and she said "the pretty princesses!"

Addie (Snow White) trying to take it all in and our handsome little man
Pure concentration!
The castle that Addie just loved behind us and a Mommy just about to pop!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bye Bailey...

...we sure miss you. Our orange kitty, Bailey, went up to kitty heaven last week due to kidney failure. There is definitely an emptiness inside all of us. His brother, Sebastian, seems very lonely without his sidekick.
Bailey was 10 years old. My sister and I adopted him in Tampa together when he was only 9 weeks old.

We hope you are in a better place, Bailey. We love you and miss you.

Addie is laying on Bailey-he was always so tolerant of the kids!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Another beautiful Blake serenade!!! My heart just melted.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Beds All Around

As our family expands, we decided everyone needed a bed upgrade.
Mommy and Daddy got a new mattress and for any guests planning to visit, our old bed is now yours - no more airbeds!!!
Blake graduated from his toddler bed to a beautiful antique twin bed (from Grammie and Grampie) that has been in the family for well over 50 years. The Buzz Lightyear sheets are the icing on the cake for him!
Addie moved out of her crib into the most precious pink, princess bed ever! She has been an angel since the first night she was in it, has never gotten up once and just loves to crawl in with Cinderella every night!
And of course, our new little one will be the third in line to enjoy the crib in their very own room, that is actually bigger than Addie and Blake's! I'm sure at first, Mommy will want baby close by though, so they'll be in our room for a few days or so!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three weeks and counting...

Three weeks from now, we will have our new little bundle of love join our family. Blake and Addie are so excited and wish the baby would pop out right now! They both think it is going to be a big baby boy and we are going to name him Buzz Lightyear! With suggestions like that, who needs to think of any other names!?!?

Mommy is doing/feeling great, but looks giant and everything is becoming more of an effort. I just keep telling myself that it is much easier to take care of a baby in the belly then when they pop out!

As the due date, February 23, approaches please feel free to let us know your thoughts on the sex and size of the baby. We are very interested in what you think.

Will keep you posted.

Quick January Highlights

January has been a little bit of a lazy month around here. Mommy has felt extra tired during this last part of the pregnancy and we have had a lot of stay at home days, trying to be super creative inside. But, we did have some exceptionally beautiful warm days and took advantage by going to the zoo and wondering downtown a bit. This was nonetheless followed by our first Maryland snow!

With baby in belly, this is one strong lion!

So bundled, they can hardly move!

A 2011 Family Christmas

We had such a fun time at Christmas and had so many visitors - 19 for Christmas dinner! A big thanks to Aunt Christine, Aunt Valerie and Monie for all of their cooking. Grandpa came all the way from Oregon to help us celebrate too. Then Auntie, Uncle Tony and Amelie flew down to help bring in 2012 with us. These pictures are just a few highlights of our Merry Christmas-time. We have such a wonderful family, thank you everybody.

Look at my new shopping cart Daddy!
Daddy and his Christmas girl.
Cousins in DC
Almost the whole family!
Blake and Addie with their favorite baby cousin, Amelie.
Dad and AB in DC
Having fun in Annapolis