Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Our conversation this afternoon...we were looking at a box of wipes and there is a picture of a mom holding a baby.
Blake said, "Mommy."
I said "Is that your mommy?"
Blake responded, "No, me mommy right here." (pointing to me)
I said, "Awe, that makes me so happy, thank you." So he says it again and I smile.
Then he said, "Candy?"
I laughed hard and said, "Oh, you think since you made mommy happy, that you deserve candy?"
And predictably, he responded with, "Yes!"
So I caved and gave into my adorable little man, but keep in mind that "candy" is a pack of about 6 bite-sized gummy, fruit snacks...but Blake thinks they are heaven!

We then proceeded to go to the cleaners about 5 minutes later and the lady behind the counter handed Blake his first lollipop, which he thought was oh so delicious!

What a lucky little stinker!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Already working the system! Technically, though, he got his first lollipop in Bend. I remember he was pretty fond of that one, too. :-)