For most of you, there are still a few more wonderfully hot summer days left before school starts and vacation time is over. For us, however, our fun days of summer have come to an end a little, figuratively speaking. Daryl started his new fellowship yesterday and therefore we won't have Daddy to spend our days with like we have been spoiled with for the past three weeks. So we wanted to share some of our fun times we have had recently in exploring Alabama as a family. We have THOROUGHLY enjoyed all of our quality time as a family together.

Having a picnic at the Vulcan Park Statue:
happy Addie, crazy running man Blake, and our family on top of the statue

Welcome to the Birmingham Zoo-one of the greatest places ever to take your kids. Big boy Blake riding on a camel all by himself, Blake playing in the water fountains, Addie and Mommy on the train, Blake and Daddy riding the carousel and the whole fam on the choo choo train.
We visited the Science Center-here Blake is driving a space ship.
Blake and Daddy visited the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame.
Our amazingly beautiful children. They just adore each other!
The Birmingham Barons Minor League Baseball game. Daryl caught the first foul ball of the game for Blake. This was Addie's first time at a sporting event.This is our backyard pool ($10 at Wal-Mart, and worth every penny). Watch our crazy man take a running start.
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